Woddy Miller's Bio

"The Importance of passionately pursuing your dreams must never be underestimated"




Woody Miller

I am a senior at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia majoring in Recreational Management. Upon graduation, next year, I will have minors in English and Environmental Science. I am also a gymnast and captain of the JMU men's gymnastics team.

Born in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, I attended Powhatan School until third grade when my family moved to St. Louis, Missouri where I attended Clayton schools and The Churchill School. This voyage will benefit organizations that help children's dreams come true. I know how important this is because of the time that I spent at Churchill School. Churchill is a school designed to help students with learning disabilities. My disability is in the area of reading. It was my dream to be able to read and not be terrified every time I had to read aloud. When I came to Churchill, in the seventh grade, I was reading at the first grade level. Three years later I was really reading, had the confidence and advocacy skills necessary to return to Clayton High School and graduate with high academic honors.

I realize that there are many children with dreams and difficulties and I want to help them. When Geoff told me about the expedition I was very excited. I have always loved the outdoors and hope to have it remain a focal point in my life. While looking for new ways to experience nature I found kayaking one summer on the Mississippi River. Kayaking amazed me. I really could go anywhere by just putting the kayak on top of my car. Another advantage of kayaking is that gear stays dry inside, even if I turn over.

This voyage will be the experience of a lifetime. Writing this now, it is really coming home to me that this is happening, that I am doing this, and I can't wait to get out there. I'll take a small jar along and fill it with some water on the Yellowstone River when we start and I'll empty it into the gulf at the end. I know that the water will get there any way, but I just want to be closer to the natural motion of it.

Please help us achieve our dream of helping others by pledging a mile, a day, or whatever you can. Thank you.

Woody Miller

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If you have any questions about AYDE, please contact Geoff Faerber at 406-848-2655

This website is designed and maintained by Tim Craft www.TimCraft.com